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Agreements & Liability Release

This includes information and agreements regarding sessions and release of liability.



If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please notify us within 24 hours.


Our purpose is simply to provide a safe space for clients to experience healing through natural processes. We consider the use of vibrational frequencies, lights, sounds, energy, and any other natural healing modality as a way to encourage the body to function optimally. Understand that everyone reacts to these methods differently and individually. Altruistic Energy, LLC makes no claims for medicinal actions, nor do we cite scientific evidence. Any information offered is done so on the basis of personal experience and traditional uses.


Clients agree to make their own choices as to what they do with the educational material they have been offered and are solely responsible for their own decisions and actions.  It is always our recommendation to seek out the advice of a licensed health care professional whenever a client feels it is necessary in regard to their own personal health, especially with serious conditions.


Please consult your physician and get approval to attend healing sessions if you have metal in your body, implants such as; a pacemaker, use an insulin pump, or any serious health conditions. If in doubt, consult your physician before our time together. The United States of America currently has no licensing policy in regards to Sound, Energy, or Vibrational Healing, and the energy practitioners of Altruistic Energy, LLC are not licensed Medical Doctors or therapists. Altruistic Energy does not prescribe drugs, nor issue diagnosis or suggest medical cures. 


I understand that:

  1. An assessment will be conducted to determine the general health of my energy system.

  2. Any suggestion made by my energy practitioner will be to assist my body’s natural ability to achieve a balanced state, to the extent that my body or my highest knowing will allow.

  3. The goal of my session will be identified as part of the initial process and that I will have input as well as give intent and permission for it.

  4. These sessions are not meant to replace treatment by established medical practices but can complement them.

  5. Your practitioner is not a licensed physician and will neither diagnose nor prescribe any condition nor do they make any specific claims regarding results from the sessions that I receive.

  6. There are no guarantees as to the results of treatment.


I agree to:

  1. Raise any questions or concerns about anything I do not understand.

  2. Consider any suggestions that the practitioner may raise concerning referrals to other health care practitioners, homework, or my desired focus/introspection.

  3. Take full responsibility for my own health care.

  4. Give consent to Altruistic Energy, and my assigned practitioner, to conduct a session to balance my energy system. I acknowledge that this could involve touch, and I can request otherwise.



In general, a typical session begins with a short assessment to discuss your concerns, thoughts, or questions. During the session you will remain fully clothed, lying down. While we try to make you as comfortable as possible, please notify us prior to your session if you have specific needs, please notify us. We make every effort to assure our clients feel safe and comfortable.


Our work at Altruistic Energy, LLC and the work of my practitioner is intuitive, so we feel the energy and work where the energy is stagnant, deficient, stuck or unbalanced. You may feel many different results such as heat or cold, shivers, nausea, headache, relaxation, release, relief, etc. You may also feel nothing at all. Any reactions can happen immediately or even months later. No reaction is positive or negative, it purely is. It may mean something to you right away or it could be a mystery for a while. Both are normal. We find that energy healing has a cumulative effect, so when you treat yourself to regular sessions, better health and well-being are natural outcomes. At the end of your session, we will check in about anything that came up for you during our time together.


I agree that Altruistic Energy, LLC and/or my assigned practitioner cannot be held liable for any problems that might arise that I think could be attributed to the energy healing season. I have stated all of my known medical conditions to my practitioner and if necessary, I will keep them updated on my physical, mental, and emotional health. I acknowledge that Altruistic Energy, LLC and/or my assigned practitioner practices for the purpose of providing mental/emotional/physical and spiritual support using multiple techniques. I attest that I understand the nature of the session and freely elect to receive the techniques. I release Altruistic Energy, LLC and my assigned practitioner from any and all claims of malpractice, non-disclosure, or lack of informed consent.


I have read and fully understand and agree to the above terms of this Agreement and Release of Waiver of Liability.

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